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it was pretty neat! i think the patrons left a little quickly xD i'd be runnin back and they'd be gone! took me a second with the cauldron, i didnt know i had to wait for a  timed event >< fun game!

Thanks!!! Patrons have a warning that they are about to leave in the new version we are releasing soon. A basic tutorial is in the plans

(1 edit)

Love the concept, love the idea of the cops coming to get you, some thoughts:
Need a bar or something to show when people are going to leave
Way too many people come in at once
The brewing minigame needs to fail immediately when an arrow passes and you don't press the button. That way it won't sit there waiting for you to push a button after all the arrows pass as well.

Good work on this!

Thanks for the feedback!! We took note of these bugs and some others and are currently working on a patch.

Having secret off menu, illegal drinks is a cool idea.

Thanks for the feedback!!